Thursday, August 28, 2008

What the Dr. said

We went to our weekly Dr. visit this week, and I was told I'm doing above average for my due date. I'm not sure what that means. I'm 2 cm dilated, and 70% effaced. That doesn't really mean the baby will come early, but we're ahead of schedule apparently. We also had an ultrasound to measure the fluid levels (cause I'm measuring small). Everything is normal. We were hoping to catch a glimpse at the sex of the baby but, just like the first time, it was very uncooperative. She did tell us there is hair on its head, how much she couldn't tell. We hope there's lots. Also she said the placenta looks like its on the demise. That's good! The proposed weight of baby Zaugg is 7lbs. 2 oz. The Dr. said babies don't gain much more weight after 38 weeks because of the placenta's degeneration. I'm okay with that.
I've been walking for an hour every morning I don't work, and I've only gained my weight goal of 25 lbs. (And NO MORE!)
I keep getting several Braxton-Hicks contractions consistently throughout the day, the baby's room is all ready, and we're just a packed bag away from having this baby!


Lynette said...

Toni, Glad to hear things are well. Can't wait for that new baby Zaugg to arrive!


The Leithead Family said...

Hooray for only gaining 25 pounds! You'll have that off in no time!

I hope you're not worried about "measuring small". Both my girls did too. They said that Jane was below the 25% for size -- like I should worry??-- but she came out 6,13.

C'mon baby!

Teandra said...

i.can't.wait. Cmon baby cmon! It sounds like you're doing great! So you were trying to see the sex? I thought you didn't want to know?!

Natalie and Aaron said...


Hi!!! I miss seeing everyone now that I'm in Idaho. I love your blog. You look great : ) I just started one as well. You are so so close to having this baby! I am so excited for you! Please keep posting updates so we can stay in touch! Say hi to Evan for me.


David said...

Toni, I finally stumbled on to your blog, and what a surprise! I'm really excited for you! You are going to make a great mom.