Sunday, August 3, 2008

1st mommy moment / What will we name it?

This is kinda pathetic and emotional, but what isn't with me these days?

I received a diaper in the mail from Huggies. I don't know why they sent one to me, cause I didn't ask for it, but here's the story: I was sitting on the couch opening the mail, and I opened the diaper package last. It was a newborn size, and I sat looking at it, staring at it. I turned it over to the back side, and just started crying. Something about holding that little diaper put life into perspective. It hit me that my little baby's bum will soon fit into that! I could actually picture this little life, this tiny baby with all its parts, and I just took a moment and cried. I guess it was good for me. I never really pictured myself with an infant before (I can't tell if that's good or bad). I suddenly got really excited. Maybe it's the fact that I don't know the gender, so I haven't attached myself to it yet. Now I'm getting there.

We picked out names this week! We have 2 names for each sex, and we'll decide once we see it. Don't laugh please:

Boys: Porter, Elliot

Girls: Lydia, Anna

Middle names are undecided. Any suggestions?

Please note, some of these names were chosen by Evan, so if you don't like it, it was probably his choice!


The Leithead Family said...

I seriously don't understand why this place isn't called Zaugg Blaugg...

Aww...Toni! You're an emotional mess! Crying over a poop-receptical... Welcome to motherhood!

Do you honestly want our input on your children's names? Because I can tell you that I never asked anyone's opinion...:)

These are my suggestions for names:

Ziggy Zack
Brock Todd

Zaina (for ya'lls love of Spanish, it's supposedly the Spanish version of Jane! haha)


Teandra said...

Despite Erin's comment, I think it's always fun to hear what other people think of names and to get ideas. I have a huge long list of names I like..Ryan, on the other hand, doesn't like any of them... I thought Evan hated Lydia? Anyway, I like Eliot and Anna. I think middle names are overrated. I have really liked not having one. Just a thought...

Teandra said...

I used a 3 column blog template you can find lots of cute ones here:

Rommel and Christy said...

You are going to be a great mom! I can't believe you are almost there...let me know if you need anything!

The Leithead Family said...

By the way, I don't have any preconcieved (ha!) notions about the boys names, but Porter is "popular" right now and I think Elliot is adorable.

I *do* know people who influence the girls names, and I much prefer Anna. Both are lovely names, though.

I'm with Tea -- no middle name is a nice tradition.

Melanie said...

I love all your names! We had a boy and named him Owen. I love more traditional names! Don't you worry, you will be crying a lot more in the future. Sometimes when I blog about Owen or think about him I will just burst out crying because I think he is just so cute and perfect and innocent and whole and I am so happy I have him! I can totally relate! Owen turned 6 months yesterday and I bawled as I wrote a blog about him! Oh motherhood! anyways I am leaving you really long comments so I will be checking back soon to see if you have had your little one yet!