Friday, August 22, 2008

Project baby's room

We finally finished painting baby's room. I'm still not sure about the green, but the brown is fav. We went around the home-made borders with a little miracle stick called the paint pen. It has a flat caligraphy tip on it, and the paint flowes from it. We were thinking something like white-out, but this was a find! The only things left to buy are the few odds and ends, and the crib. (Why we've put that off so long, we don't know!) We'll get one this weekend I'm sure.

The doctor says I'm ready to go when baby is. I don't know how exactly I should feel about that. Today I decided I'm ready to hand this baby over to someone else for awhile. I'll take that as a good sign. I'm not really dilated, but 50% effaced, and the nurse told me I'm above average for most at this time. I hope this little Zaugg is getting anxious as I am. I'm just glad project baby's room is coming to an end.

Anyone have any tips as to laundry detergent that's best for little spit-ups and blow-outs?


The Leithead Family said...

If you don't have something you're "in love!" with for a crib, do check Craigslist. Even Utah has an occasional deal in there.

I have friends swear by liquid Dial for removing baby stains. Another some orange bar-soap (?) stain remover? on the bottom shelf at Macey's. I know. Totally helpful.

Personally, I threw away huge blowouts. If it covers more than half the back, I'm not interested in scrubbing all that poo. Ew. Pukiness. Onesies are cheap-ish new and cheaper at DI. ;) It also helps that I didn't have that many to deal with.

maria said...

The baby's room looks so cute! You are a lucky punk to get away with no stretch mark!

Melanie said...

Toni! I just stumbled across your blog! Congratulations on the baby! That is so exciting! And you look AWESOME! I just had a baby in February and I didn't get stretch marks either. Sad thing is, the Dr. said I was ready to go when the baby was and he wasn't ready until he was 3 days late!! AUGH! Hopefully you don't go late either! I miss you, where are you living? Well once again, congratulations! keep in contact! Love ya!
Melanie (Hardy) Jacobs

Teandra said...

I didn't know you were adding a border, it's so cute! How did you do it? I didn't understand your whole pen thing.