Friday, December 19, 2008

The nap

How could you not love that face! As I write, my sweet little guy is still asleep! Evan has been out of town this week, and I promised him while he was gone, that our little man was gonna be crying it out. The purpose of this was so Evan could get some quality sleep from now on. He has been getting up with little P every night the past few weeks to put him back down, cause he's not hungry, he just fusses and wakes himself up.

Night 1: P gets up at 2:10 and cries for 1 1/2 hours. Falls asleep. Wakes up again at 4:50 and cries for 1 hour 15 mins. I wake him up at 6:30 to feed him, and we sleep until 9. I know this will be a long 3 days.

Night 2: Bracing myself for the worst, and knowing I can't go through with it another night, I put him down at 8:30. After his 10:30 feeding, he sleeps until 7:45. What!?????! He slept the whole night! Could it possibly be that he learned I'm not coming in to get him in just one night? He is very smart, but really?

Night 3: I'm not counting on a blissful sleep. Again, he proves himself conquerer of dream world! I rejoice in the morning, and smile all day.

Last night Evan came home, and lo and behold? Little P got up 4 times. WHAT?!!!?!!! Of course Evan took over. Really? Really? Is this how it'll be? Dad spoiles him, mom lets him cry.

Thus, after a long night for all of us, Little P is fast asleep in his car seat. Let me emphasize that he never does this. He'll sleep in the stores, in the car even when he's not tired, but the second we walk through the front door he's awake. Thus, we're relishing in the long nap in the car seat in the front room. He is unpredictable, this we've learned, and we still love him!


Amy said...
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Amy said...

Ahhh...The joys of parenthood-I have so much to look forward to! :)