Monday, May 30, 2011

Springtime, or winter?

I get this itch for spring every year right around March when the sun starts getting serious about shining and the snow stops falling. Well. I've been itching for a long time now.  I think we've had 3 non-jacket weather days, and most are rainy. The river here is running past capacity, and the threat of flooding is emminent. Probably not for us, but definately for some whose back yard is already under water. We go on walks on the river trail often to check the river levels. It's scary to think of those praying every night that nothing will happen to their homes.
Regardless of the rain, we've been trying to keep busy and outside. We found this pretty Robin's nest just outside our back door. The female Robin is always sitting on the nest, and we can't wait to hear the little peeps of new life and see the little birds. I kind of feel protective of the nest since it's so close to our home. Watch out predators!
We bought Porter this tricycle A: because his cousins have one and they're nearly INDESTRUCTIBLE. B: because the neighbors have been missing theirs since Porter has learned to ride it. C: Isn't it time we start collecting our own toys? It'll last through all the kids. Everyday Porter asks to go ride it. He's so small still, but he grows fast.

Our newest project has been this:
Now you don't see it...

Now you do

We have been playing inside too, and our neighbors come over a lot and vice versa so we get company for these dreary days.
Did I mention Porter LOVES Cars?

Bath Time

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