Monday, May 30, 2011

10 Months

Henry is growing so fast! He is almost walking now, and thinks he's 3.
He sleeps phenominally (except now, cause he's sick).
He eats most everything, and prefers it if he can feed it to himself.
He takes about 10 steps now before he falls down.
He's pretty fearless.
He's discovered the kitchen cabinets.
He has started vocalizing a lot. Screaming, cooing, babbling, etc.
He loves to be outside. Because of the way he crawls, he now has one hole in the left knee of almost every pair of pants he ownes.
He HATES car rides.
Very independent.
Hates the word "no".
Has started the manipulating grin.
I think he understands most of what we say.
Cries almost constantly when he's with Porter-because of being pushed down, thrown at, hit, kicked, etc...
Has 6 teeth.

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