Friday, September 3, 2010

Porter Turns 2

I never imagined two years ago, that you would ever be this big. That you would be running, climbing, sleeping through the night, and understanding everything we say. You have grown so much. You are such a good big brother, always concerned about little Henry. You love to play with the “older kids” and mimic what they are doing. You look to us for approval, and are beginning to know right from wrong.

The terrible two’s are beginning, and the terrible three’s are right around the corner. You are testing your limits now, and we tell you “no” more than we ever hoped to, yet we love your independence, and your willingness to obey. You are starting to want to do things by yourself, and get angry if we help you. You still sleep with the pacifier, and you know that you only get it when you are in bed. Someday you’ll kick the habit.

You are still not talking much, though we work with you constantly. You can say so many words when you try, but so much of the time you are not even willing. “Can you say ‘beans’?” “No!” “Can you say ‘truck’?” “No!” “Can you say ‘caterpillar’?” “Cat-e-piw-wa.”

You worry about your little brother a lot, and you like to give him his passy, whether Henry wants it or not. You sometimes get upset if Daddy holds Henry, but you are learning that it is ok, since he is Henry’s daddy too.

Thank you for bringing us so much joy the past two years. We love having you in our family!

Happy birthday Big-Boy!


Teandra said...

You have cute kids, I love them! Happy Birthday PZ!

~Sherry (Bear) and Stephen (Wolf) said...

Happy Birthday Big Guy!!! Yeppers, you are a great big 2 year old!!! I can't believe it. You are so happy and cute, I love it. We hope your birthday is awesome buddy!

Amy said...

happy birthday porter!!!