Saturday, September 11, 2010

6 weeks old

Henry is such a good baby. He still sleeps most of the day, and has begun going right back down after his night feedings, which most nights is only once. After 2 weeks, he started fussing a lot more during the evening- late evening, like 9:00-1:00. We actually thought he had colic because he would cry non-stop, but that has calmed down some too. We're starting to figure out who he is, and what his temperaments are, which for me has been the most frustrating. I don't remember not knowing Porter, and now its all coming back to me. I look into his face and think, "I don't even know you! Who are you?"
We've gotten some smiles out of him already, which is so encouraging when you wonder how you'll make it through one more sleepless night, cold, fussy time, or crying. He seems to have some reflux, and we have to keep him upright for about 20 minutes after he eats, or he'll fuss and spit up. He has gotten to be a pro at eating and can finish a meal in less than 5 minutes.
Now he's six weeks old, and we've been through quite a bit in this short time.
*a couple days old: everyone got pink eye
*a couple days old: we had colds, and a cough
*3 weeks old: I got a kidney stone
*4 weeks old: road trip
*6 weeks old: more colds and coughs
It's funny how God helps you forget the trials of newborns. I don't remember it being this difficult, and that's not because I have 2 now, it's just the newborn phases. The transition from 1 kid to 2 has actually been easier than 0 to 1. I guess that's because I'm less uptight about everything and I'm already in mommy mode. Like my neighbor says, "If you have 1 kid, they take up all your time. If you have 5 kids, they still take up all your time!" So true!

I hope you don't take this as complaining, because I love being a mom, and there's something about the sweet spirit of a newborn that brings such joy into my home, and I am appreciating this little boy much more than I did with my first. He's a good baby, and Porter hasn't regressed at all. What good luck we have!


sugarpierdh said...

You're boys are beautiful. I'm so happy that you are doing well minus the colds.

Amy said...

I'm glad to see an update on how you all are doing!!