Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Grandma, Double-G, and spring

We went to St. George this weekend! It was a short trip with my mom, sister, and little P. He absolutely LOVED it! It is so nice to have a little boy that just wants to play all day. We did virtually everything we needed to there without him tracking us down and getting in the way. He stayed downstairs and played with his older cousins' toys the entire weekend! We had several projects to do while there. One was to make, or buy, a wreath for grandma's front room. My grandma is all girl, old fashioned, and frugal. She loves the color pink. Her kitchen is pink-original 1960's decor, her walls are pink, her clothes, and everything else she can get away with. My mom and sister and I went to Tai Pan to price out flowers and get some ideas. We came across a wreath with NO greenery in it. It was beautiful. I was convinced we could make her one for much less than $130. We went to Michaels and bought the flowers and wreath, and 1 1/2 hrs later-voila! We LOVED it. Most importantly, grandma loved it! (under $60)
We also cleaned out the closet in one of the rooms and made a DI run. We took some old toys off my aunts' hands, and had a great road trip, not to mention the spring weather!
We also took P out to the Dairy-the one my grandpa worked until his death last year- so P could see the cows. He was scared to be put down, but liked to imitate the moos! Here's some pics of us at the Dairy.

1 comment:

Amy said...

the wreath turned out SOO great!!