Thursday, April 8, 2010

Our routine

I have a confession. When it comes to TV, it is always on at my house. I don't sit and watch all day, but I do like the background noise and sporadic distractions it provides. (Though its rarely on after 6:00). The downside? We discovered cartoons a while ago, and now P's morning if filled with Super Why, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and Special Agent Oso. P doesn't just sit and watch them, but I can say he's learning a lot. He recognizes his basic shapes, colors, and most of all, he dances to all the music. We have formed a bad habit, though. Porter eats better under distraction, so breakfast is spent like this, in his high chair, in front of the TV. Shame on me for letting it happen, but he does ok without it too-don't get me wrong. The best blessing for me is that he can sit there for up to an hour if needs be, eating, while I take a shower and get ready in the morning. It provides the perfect entertainment, and I think it's better than cleaning up a torn-apart bathroom from my human tornado after my relaxing shower.
The other discovery? CARS! Now, Porter NEVER will sit and just stare at the TV, no matter what's on, however, we bought cars for the trip down to St. George, and he didn't really pay attention to it in the car. A few days later we put it on at home, and his eyes never left the screen. It was like magic. Though Evan and I agree we will not use this as a baby-sitting tool too often, it sure is a blessing when we need to distract him. For example, we had a friend over the other night and we wanted to play some games, but with P around, that's impossible! So we put on CARS, and he never bothered us once! A blessing in disguise!

1 comment:

Silvia and Steven said...

I actually used to have the TV all the time to because of background noise! I completely understand. Luckily the boys aren't ones to stick GLUED to the TV as well so it is nice. And like you said even nicer to get ready and take a shower in the morning! :O)