Thursday, February 4, 2010


One of the perks of Evan's job are his "business" trips. His boss makes sure I know I'm invited to go wherever Evan goes, every time. I opted to head to Cali in the middle of December with P, simply for a little warm vacation with my boy.
We stayed in Pismo Beach, and played in San Luis Obispo, which I LOVED! Why do I live in Utah? The weather was so nice and warm, and all in all, it was great to get away. Some things we did while there were:

Play at the park

Porter did his baby jobs of untidying everything he could

And we watched the Pelicans just outside the Hotel, no less! It was pretty exciting!
Then we went home. Goodbye warm California, hello snowy Utah. I wish the two of you would get acquainted!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Sooo jealous of all of your "business" trips...maybe Evan's boss will see the need for a few friends to come along too...