Tuesday, April 28, 2009


We're at that point where the old is gone forever, and the new is here and exciting. And then I know it won't stay for long. I feel like crying some moments, and rejoicing in others as I watch my little guy grow and change and learn. For example, he went from this:

To this.

Yes that's right! My little man has out-grown his car seat. Who knew 22 lbs and 27 in. would creep up so fast? He's not rolly-poly, but he's strong. He can hold himself up by his hands if you hang him from a counter-top, or something like that. He's too heavy to carry everywhere, and he loves being able to mimic every noise he hears. (This was the moment I realized that boys are born as men in little bodies, and really are born with sound-effects.) My favorite at the moment is "hhoooo, hooooooooooo".

One day weeks ago, without warning, I looked up after 20 seconds of indisposition to find him standing up by the couch. What! When did he learn that? He's been doing it ever since. Then, a week later, he started crawling! I'm excited for that, cause now the fussing can stop. I'm sick of the constant whining that he can't do what he wants to with his little limitations, and now he can go wherever he pleases. It's so fun to watch him entertain himself in an otherwise empty room. He'll crawl over to the wall, pound on it for a second, then move to the couch, or TV, or the little hole where the carpet fibers are coming undone. I feel free! (But I know the worst is yet to come). I'm so happy that he's reached this milestone. I'm so proud of him! Love you buddy!

The other afternoon, I listened by his door several times (as I do everyday) to see if he was up from his nap. After several pauses of silence, and the need to get going, I reluctantly went in to wake him up and this is what I saw...

It's amazing that he did it all in silence. Now we sometimes let him take several laps around the crib before we pick him up.


Teandra said...

Oh my goodness! So when did he actually start crawling!? How fun! Can't wait to see him this weekend!

Unknown said...

It's so exciting when they figure out how to crawl and get where they want - good luck adjusting to this new phase - let the babyproofing begin!

The Leithead Family said...

Aw, what a cute little man.

Anonymous said...

He is getting big so fast! Believe me it flys by. You think you will remember every little cute thing they do, and then when they're 18 you realize you have forgotten the baby and small child they once were :o( But take heart, you wonder at the person they have become, and some how you realize that is how it's supposed to work. Give him a kiss and a hug for me!

Lynette said...

Ok, he is so adorable! We haven't seen the little guy since Grandma and Grandpa left. We really need to get together!

Sarah said...

getting so big!! Such a big change to switch car seats! He's so cute!