Sunday, February 22, 2009

Seasonal Depression or Spring Fever?

I've been waiting this whole time to find something to write about, and still nothing. As I was catching up reading other blogs, I found myself saddened. It seems I have the most boring life of anyone I know. Maybe I've worked too many days this week to be happy about much, or maybe I don't know how to organize my time. I feel like I live in this little bubble and take care of P. That's all I do. Taking care of him is not my complaint, I love it! (Comparing myself to others, though I know I'm not supposed to) My complaint is that I (we) don't ever do anything! I see other families going concerts, to play dates, and just dates in general, and I kind of got depressed. Why? Am I really that boring that I don't even KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON? Am I so consumed in my little world that I don't know how to find out about fun things for my family? While talking to Evan, he mentioned my priorities. Is fun time a priority? YES! How are these people doing fun things, whilst I sit here in my cave, counting down the minutes to nap time so I can do the dishes? I realized that I need to make plans to make plans for stuff outside my mommy world.

Excuse number 2: "He requires too much attention". But does he? I feel bad if I put him in his car seat and don't play with him every couple of hours. I'm not a smotherer, but I like to watch him play and learn. I interact. So....? How are these other moms of many getting anything done? I know it's tons harder than with one, but really? How do they do it?
Where are all these fun projects coming from? I would also like to sew a quilt and make cards for my whole neighborhood, but I can't even blog once a week, so where does everyone's time come from?

As I was woeing and lamenting last night to sweet Evan, he mentioned, "look at my life! If you think you're bored, try mine!" This my friends, is true! He spends all day with algorithms. I dare say, my life isn't that bad...
We do spend at least 3 days walking around Costco for fun. I go running with P every morning at the indoor track. We've been getting over our colds and stuffy noses. We pick up my friend's kids from school every day and take them to day care. P is learning to sit up-we're almost there! Etc...
I guess there is something exciting with me... I should post a picture.... I have had this REALLY red patch of skin in both my armpits. Kinda wierd. It appeared around Christmas time, and got worse. It itched like crazy and was VERy dry and scaly. I've been using Eucerin a lot on it, but it was still there. Evan said it looked like a fungus, like athletes foot, so I bought some OTC cream for it, and nothing happened. I finnally got the nerve to go to the Dr. and he told me it looked like a fungus AND an allergic reaction-contact dermatitis. Where in the world would I get a fungus in my armpits?! I don't even sweat there. Whatever. He prescribed a cream with antifungul and topical steroids to treat it, then an antifungal for the next 6 weeks after it heals. In case this facinating story needs a conclusion, and if you're still reading, it is feeling better, thank you. A LOT better. It almost looks like real skin again. Actually it is pretty exciting.

If you made it to this point, congratulations. You can call yourself a friend, and a pretty darn good listener. Here's your reward...


Lynette said...

He looks so cute in the jumper! Is he loving it?

Rob and Jill said...

Little P is so cute! Does he love the jumper?
Spring will be here soon. What a difference it makes being able to play outside! Guess what?!- I don't get anything done- ever, it seems! No energy. I think I was a better Mom with only one and two kids. The other day I realized how little time I have for just Matthew. But he'd rather have his bro and sis around anyway. Glad your armpits are better.

Unknown said...

I hear ya Toni! For me, it's the time of year. I love winter, but by this time, I just want it to end. I'm busy with work and school and have serious spring fever. I just want to get out and do something fun!

It helps me to count my blessings and find joy in the little things.

Love ya!

Teandra said...

What a great reward. He's SO cute! I'm glad you got your armpits figured out and it's not even as bad as you thought!? I think having a kid is work enough. Just enjoy your life and blessings Tone.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Toni! You sound like the mother of one. :) Yeah, there's a lot of down time. Our ward here does a weekly play-date at parks when the weather is nice. You could consider getting an email list of SAHM's in your ward/area to coordinate "play dates". It's nice to have a set time that works for several people. It's great to have something to look forward to.

I'm glad you have Costco to stroll through. :)

Amy said...

You had my laughing to myself! I'm glad that your armpits are healing! :)