Sunday, February 22, 2009

Happy Birthday to me!

Well, as inevitably it happens, I got a year older! That's right. Feb 11th I turned 27! I had an awesome birthday. Thanks to my sweet sisters-in-law, we dropped P off, and headed to the slopes. We decided after going to The Canyons for our anniversary, we don't ever want to ski again on a weekend or holiday. Wednesday was just perfect. We almost had the place to ourselves. As an intermediate skiier, I slowed Evan down by skiing in front of him. He gave me a couple pointers, as I struggle with the turns and freak out with too many people around. We literally had some lifts to ourselves. It was snowing lightly, but nothing too heavy. It was PERFECT! My skiing skills improved mounds that day, as I needed not worry about others around me, and I put Evan's good advice to the test. I feel so much better in my winter sports abilities, and got to spend the day with my favorite person!
Later on, we ate out at Carrabbas and topped off the evening with 4-layer chocolate cake. I got my swiffers that I'd asked for, and I LOVE them. I don't know why I waited to long to try them out. I will never go back, and actually threw out my mop the next day. BLISS! I even converted my mom to the mop- a hard feat. Worth it!
And, I got to really break in my new ski coat from Christmas.
Thank you, honey for the very special day. I love you!


Janelle said...

Oooh nothings better than a perfect day on the slopes. Glad you had a fabulous birthday.

Teandra said...

Swiffers huh? They're THAT good? Even to mop a whole floor? You'll have to tell me why they're that good. I'm almost convinced just cuz mom is...

Natalie and Aaron said...

How fun! I have only been skiing once & loved it! What a sweet husband!