Sunday, February 1, 2009

Angels, Truck Drivers, and Solid Foods

If you have little children, I think you'll relate. There are angels in my house. Not the floating kind you think of when you think of angels. I'm talking about the invisible kind. Porter often looks at them, laughs at them, and I believe, talks to them. There is one corner of his bedroom that he stares at, night or day. There is nothing spectacular about this corner, no lights, no color, just a plain old ceiling, yet he seems to fixate at that spot as often as possible. He will smile, and coo, and often just stare. I believe we have angels at our house. Maybe he's getting instuctions for this long, hard life here, or maybe they're his old friends who haven't come down yet. I think it's just Heavenly Father's way of blessing our home. Porter is the sweetest boy. I often wonder what he'll grow up to be. No matter what it is, I'll think it'll be absolutely great. I hold the moon for him.
He has this little walker that has a car steering wheel and lights and sounds like a truck. He LOVES it! He will giggle and squeal, and live it up. Hence his truck driver pose. He will never stay smiling once he sees the orange light on the camera. We often lose precious poses because of it. Hence, we post the ones that work out.
Friday we started giving him a little rice cereal. I think the pictues speak for itself. He leans in to the spoon, and actually swallows the food! What a pro!


The Leithead Family said...

He looks *loads* like Evan right now. Good thing your husband's cute! :P

Silvia and Steven said...

I completely agree with you about angels :O) It is hard to get good pictures when they move around and wiggle so much. But when you do capture a smile you cherish it so much. He's so big and so adorable! Enjoy him every minute

~Sherry (Bear) and Stephen (Wolf) said...

How sweet! Porter is such a cutie! It is so much fun when they really get eating food. Cody is not finding eating cereal a lot of fun...but when his brothers offer tater-tots, and sippy cups of milk, my oh my he is interested. I think they even tried to get him to eat a go-gurt. (Whew, my boys are fast.)

Teandra said...

We had so much fun with him yesterday. He is so cute!

The 3 Nomads said...

He is so cute. You did a great job at getting those pics. I could never get cute shots of Gigi either. Congrats on starting solids. It's a big milestone.

John-n-Mel said...

Porter is so cute!!!

I'm so with you on the angels-Tate does the same thing, well all my kids have and I always ask them who they see...they have yet to answer :) but seriously the ceiling isn't that funny

Rob and Jill said...

He is so cute, and growing so fast. I can't wait to see him again.
Sorry about the parties, I didn't throw them- I just attended. When we have a party, we'll invite you!

Anonymous said...

Porter is so very cute! I can't believe he's growing so fast. Give him a hug from me!