Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Routine

We are using a daily routine method recommended to us by a teacher of mine. It's called Baby Wise. If you've ever heard of it, it's a book written by Gary Ezzo, and it's all about getting your child to sleep through the night. I wanted to try this out ever since my teacher talked about how she can spot a baby-wise baby a mile away because they're so well behaved. We bought the book months ago and have been studying up and preparing to use the recommendations in the book. Here's how it works:
The point in to teach your child to learn to fall asleep on his own, without needing to be rocked, swung, fed, sung-to, pacified, etc... Mr. Ezzo suggests we change the order of the daily routine from the normal, wake-feed-sleep to the feed-wake-sleep. We have been making sure little Porter gets a full feeding every 2 1/2 to 3 hrs, then we keep him awake as long as he'll allow, and when he gets fussy, we know he's not hungry, so we put him down for his nap (usually 1 1/2 to 2hr nap). The first week was really hard, cause we didn't know if he was eating enough, or what he needed. As the 2nd week started, Porter started regulating himself to do these things naturally. His body is responding to the 3 hr. feedings, and he stays awake more. He (usually) goes down for a nap without fussing. At night, he sleeps for 4-5 hr. stretches, and would sleep more if I didn't wake him up to feed him. He is such a good baby! The only hard part is not knowing if his happy disposition is because of this routine, or because that's how he is. He is very predictable, and it's helped us as parents have the confidence in knowing we're giving him what he needs and determining his needs. Every day gets better and better!
Now, just to clarify. We're not those kind of parents who stick to the routine "do or die", for all those concerned. We are flexible, and we do understand that somethings are more important than naptime and "on the hour" meals. For now, we're very happy and we'll keep you posted on how its going.


Janelle said...

Routine is key so try to stick with it. But if I may make a suggestion...let him sleep more at night and don't wake to feed him. He'll start to wake on his own wanting to feed and then it will be harder to train sleeping through the night. If he's eating enough throughout the day and gaining weight, no need to wake a sleeping baby at night. I've heard people's horror stories. But you have your free will. He's really cute!

Melanie said...

He is such a doll! He really is really cute! He has nice skin! And I love the name Porter! That was one of the names on our list too! I love being a mommy as well! We kinda did the babywise thing too, we let him fall asleep on his own. I think the only time we have actually put him down while he was sleeping was when we got home from somewhere and he was already asleep (which has been rare). He truly has been such a good happy baby and EVERYONE always comments on how happy and well behaved he is. I think it's a good idea to be flexible like you said because sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do...but overall things have been good. I swear at 3 hours on the dot, I know he is hungry. Good luck! Oh your little guy is just so cute!

Teandra said...

Interesting. I'm glad that you get to 'experiment' so we can all learn from you. He he he.

Natalie and Aaron said...

Wow, I'm glad you're doing this first so I can get all the good tips from you. I will have to get my sister reading Baby wise. Sounds like you and Evan are being very smart and will have a wise baby : )

The 3 Nomads said...

So here is my experience with baby wise. After Gigi was born she of course was on the opposite sleep schedule so I was determined to get her onto the right schedule. I made David stay home with work one day so we could get her on the right track. After a couple of hours we gave up and within 2 days she was on her own schedule. Baby wise is great if you have the energy for it, otherwise I think he'll just get into his own routine. I will say that Gigi has always loved her crib and I think it's because we never let her sleep with us and did put her to sleep before she was actually asleep, which I think is what baby wise says to do. Good luck! I have to admit I'm not looking forward to those sleepless nights, but I am looking forward to holding a little bundle again. Your guy is so adorable!!!

Audrey said...

Good luck. I'm all for a routine, but do what feels right.