Sunday, January 30, 2011

6 months

You have added a measure of joy to my life that I treasure. You are always happy to see me, and I cherish your cuddly side. You are a good sleeper, and you surprise us some nights by not needing us at all. You are becoming more aware of your world, and especially that of your brother's. You stare at him constantly, and he'll sometimes involve you in play. You LOVE food. I've never seen a baby scarf it all down, or put it away quite like you do. You explore everything, and it goes straight to your mouth. You love to be held, but only when I'm not doing something that takes me away from your attention. You are very strong, but won't roll over anymore. You still hate being on your tummy, but we still keep trying.
You kick all the time, especially when you're excited. You are loving the walker more and more, but would still rather be held.
You fall asleep often in your car seat, but almost never in our arms. We've accustomed you to sleeping by yourself lying down, so you won't give in when we coax you at church.
Your squeals and noises keep us happy, and we enjoy watching you learn. Your personality has been interesting to figure out, and we are so pleased with your mellow charm.
You sit up on your own now, and you're starting to engage yourself more in play and exploration with new toys. It's fun to watch.
You laugh a lot at our expressions, and you seem to have a grasp of what's coming up next. (We love schedules!)
Letting you cry has been the key to many naptimes, and we're grateful you put yourself to sleep at night, so we don't have to hear you cry then.
You are on formula now full-time, and watch us like a hawk when we get bottles ready.
You've been easy and fun. We love having you with us and look forward to your sweet laid-back character to continue teaching us.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Happy 1/2 year Henry!! I love that walker :)