Monday, December 6, 2010


I always thought my kids will be in the 90% at any age, just because Porter is so big and Henry is following so close. Here's the shocker: Henry's not! Yay! I have an average size baby? What? I still think he'll be catch up. The funny thing is his head. When my sister saw him she said, " Wow, he's all head!" I tended to agree. However, there must be a whole lot more kids with HUGE heads, if this is the comparison:
Weight: 14.3 lbs 36%
Height: 24.75 in. 43%
Head: 15.25 in .9%
2 mo.
weight: 12 lbs 59%
Height: 23 in. 54%
head: 14.25 1.7%
That's right! Ha! under 50% in all 3! The doctor was actually quite concerned because he's not following the curve, but I say he doubled his birth weight in 4 months- I'm not worried!
He still hates tummy time, but is starting to roll over. He kicks his legs non-stop. (It's really hard when I'm carrying him in the car seat, and it's moving on it's own!) He's lost almost all his hair. I really should shave the rooster crown off the back, but I can't bring myself to do it.

1 comment:

Rob and Jill said...

He's so cute. And see... he's not huge like you were saying. Matthew is the one that's all head. He's below 50% on everything, except his head is 90%.
Love the tree.