Monday, December 6, 2010

Ding-Dong Ding-Dong

After going back and forth a lot this season, we finally decided to get a tree. I have never had a real tree before, so this was a first. I really wanted to find a great deal on a pre-lit tree, but I didn't want to brave black friday this year. We borrowed a stand from Evan's sister, and bought this amazing tree! We had some lights collected from previous years and some ornaments my grandma gave us. Porter LOVED putting them up.

We did make a star out of construction paper and put that on top. Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Yea! Real trees are the best---we don't buy real trees (because we were given a nice artificial tree for FREE) but all of my years growing up we did--someday we'll start enjoying the fresh scent of pine again!

Thank you for remembering Cameron's birthday! It was so fun to talk with you!