Thursday, November 11, 2010


The friday before Halloween, we went to Cornbelly's with Evan's sister, her kids, and his mom and dad. It was soooo much fun. I think it'll be a tradition. Despite the wind, we had a blast. I felt so excited the whole time. It was like taking my family to Disneyland-we had that much fun. Since I'm an awesome mom, I forgot my camera. (Like always), so here's what I could capture on my phone.

These bikes were so cool. I think we should get a bunch of them and have races at family reunions!

Porter at the water duckies races. Probably his favorite thing to do. He got all muddy and wet!Also P's favorite: There was noone in line, so the driver let them stay on, and they kept riding until we said enough. Here with cousin Abby.

1 comment:

Rob and Jill said...

So cute! The pictures you did get were great. Someday, I'll get back to blogging, and I'll post more pictures from our adventure. It was so much fun, it will totally have to become a tradition. Rob even thought it looked really cool. Thanks for going with us.