Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I realize the baby count-down ticker is below 5 days, and I never thought I'd see it this low. I fully expected this little one to be here by now. I'm also dissappointed in the false graphics of the baby floating in the ticker. It seems that baby is still small and has plenty of room to kick and grow, however that's not the case! They should really make it true to life. I've been trying everything to get this baby out, and he's still not cooperating! We went on a long walk yesterday after I had several "different" contractions, and during that hour walk, they came every 2-5 minutes, but today we're still here. I jumped on the neighbors tramp last night too, but all I got was excercise. I went on another walk this morning, and yielded 1 contraction-so weird! I even drank raspberry leaf tea last night to push it along. (It was really yummy). I keep realizing my due date hasn't come yet, and I KNOW I won't be pregnant forever. Evan is convinced he's coming today, but I say not for another week. Maybe it's because we're all ready already?...Patience is not my virtue!

1 comment:

~Sherry (Bear) and Stephen (Wolf) said...

That baby will come when he is good and ready... ;) It is a good time to practice patience...
(Ok, so be excited he is still in there...what I wouldn't give to have a baby happy on the inside this close to a due date.)