Thursday, July 8, 2010


We had some friends come into town over the 4th that had never been to Utah before. They are planning on coming out here for school, so naturally, we gave them the utah county tour! We took them hiking to the "Y", and here's some pics from that, though we didn't get any other pictures from this weekend-sadly.

We took Porter to the fireworks and the parade monday. Not knowing how he'd react, he did great! He sat there the whole time and watched intently as each entry passed by. Though his favorite were the firetrucks and motorcycles. He kept immitating the "honk honk" of the fire engines the whole time. I love that he enjoys outings like these more and more. I love my family!


Amy said...

your sewing projects look great and I'm impressed you hiked the Y at 35 weeks! We're excited to spend some time with you in Park City next week--we've begun packing for the move, but have kept a few games accessible! :)

Teandra said...

You forgot to mention how you carried P the whole way up! What's with his face in that first picture? Ha ha. I love your family too!