Wednesday, January 7, 2009

To Resolute, or not to Resolute?

I'm not sure about New Years Resolutions. I didn't make any this year. I tend to think making goals once a year is bogus. Not the making goals part, but the once a year part. Short-term goals are easier, and the pressure is much less there than the burden on your shoulders of a year-long, try to be good, cause last year it fizzled out at week 6 plan.
I do, however make goals. I am constantly trying to be better at this, and do better at that all the time. My goals are usually weekly oriented. Eat better this week, or be more patient, clean more, excercise more, prepare early for lessons, things like that. I do love the accomplishment that comes with a goal finished, and a self more organized and happier. Thanks '09 for the recolection that my goals are constant!
Auld Lang Syme? What does that mean anyway?


Amy said...

I agree! It is so much pressure to have a year-long goal...that's why this year, I'm doing something that I feel is New Years' Resolution is to floss my teeth at least 5 times a week...that along with my weekly and monthly goals-I feel that's doable...maybe you could make a New Years' Resolution to make your bed every day-something simple and doable :)

John-n-Mel said...

i'm with you this year besides most of life revolves around kids doesn't it?
BTW- your baby is adorable!!

Simone said...

Hey you lady! I love you blog! And your darling baby. It is so good to see what your up too. I love you!