Sunday, January 18, 2009

Life as we know it

I think this picture could explain it all. Evan is currently in his final semester of school. FOREVER!!!!! His Ph.D. graduation requirements are: publish 3 papers, finish all grad student classes, and write and defend his dissertation.
Thus far we are at: published 1 paper, and currently taking final 2 classes. The goal is June...
This is what Evan spends all day doing when not in class. He is revising his 2nd paper, due this week and then we're looking at the bright lights at the end of our long, long tunnel. I offered my support by telling him to stay at school to do whatever it takes to meet deadlines this semester. He took me up on it, and I'm so glad he did. From sun up to sun down, this is where he's been. I take dinner to him, put P down to bed, and don't see him until the baby cries in the morning. I love him for all his hard work and desires to support our family! Love you babe. See you this summer!


Teandra said...

Yay! Start the countdown! I'll pray it's really June...

Rob and Jill said...

That's rough! Good luck to both of you. At least P won't remember this time anyway. You can come hang with us anytime!
I don't know if you've heard this story: My dad started studying for his MBA at home when little Laura made a comment about him being gone at school all the time. She said, "It's kinda like Daddy's dead, isn't it." Sad huh!