Monday, September 26, 2011

Henry is 1

From the stress of having strangers in my home, keeping it clean, and worrying about a birthday cake, we had a pretty low-key celebration this year. If you remember Porter's shin-dig for his 1st, (click here) it was nothing like that. We didn't even buy him gifts. We had some hand-me-down from a cousin that were put into a box that he opened. I threw the cake together that morning, sunday because the dancers were supposed to be gone, and it was a good day for a family to get together for a BBQ-our favorite thing. We had our families all here and ate well and played well. We sang, cut the cake, and opened presents. Pretty much a perfect day. I love my family!

At one year you are:
21.5 lbs
38 in.

  • you are so busy! I follow you around most days and pick up what you've scattered around the house.
  • you have the highest pitched scream I've ever heard
  • you love to copy whatever Porter does
  • you beg to be held all day long, and scream and cry if you don't get your way
  • you are super independent and won't let us feed you anything you can't eat by yourself
  • you are starting to run, and climb on EVERYTHING!
  • have the cutest smile that melts my heart
  • still let me cuddle with you and sing to you at bedtime. 
  • you go down to sleep easily and have learned to fall asleep on your own
  • have 8 teeth
  • love to be outside

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