Thursday, May 13, 2010


It's DONE! We closed today! We already celebrated but treating ourselves out at the Greene Turtle, here in D.C. Awesome food...thanks to Evan's boss for the credit card! We met a nice man from a title service company who came to us at the hotel and we signed all the papers! He then overnighted them to the title company where they'll be filed tomorrow and our loan will be final! We are relieved to have this behind us. We wired the money to them first thing this morning, and I think the seller's already received the funds on their end so they can close the deal with their new place tomorrow. Poor guys!
If anyone needs a good recommendation for a great loan, we have awesome references!
Pictures to come.


Amy said...


~Sherry (Bear) and Stephen (Wolf) said...

Congratulations on the new house! Let us know what time...the boys and I are ready to help tomorrow, if moving is still the plan.

Terri said...

Yeah!!! Who did you end up getting the loan through? When are you moving? I can help, just give me a day and time! :-)