Monday, July 13, 2009

Our 4th!

We didn't make plans until the day before, when we knew Evan's sister Jill would be down with the kiddos, so we planned to take P to the parade in the am. He loved it! We parked just as the parade was starting, so as we walked to our pre-determined family area, we walked the whole way alongside the firetrucks, which is what I wanted P to see in the first place, and he LOVED it! He stared and stared at the big trucks and smiled at the loud sirens. I hadn't been to a big parade in a long time, and loved it. I think July 4th is becoming more of a favorite holiday the older I get. I felt so patriotic, and full of pride to be an American. I love America, and all it means for me and my family. I don't know how long I'll be able to stand free, and I take advantage of this every day now. One of the highlights of the day was shaking Congressman Jason Chaeffet's hand! My sis in law shouted to him really loud, and he made his way to us just to shake our hands. I thanked him personally for all he does for us here in our district, and I really am grateful. I love knowing he will represent us and EVERYTHING we believe in. ALWAYS.

Later on we went to my parent's house and worked on a project for our house...more to come on that at a later date...
We got together at the park later on for fireworks with Evan's family. They staked out the best spot to catch the Stadium of Fire fireworks from the park, and we had a great time, especially Porter.
Who knew blinking lights could keep an infant so happy for so long? Thanks Mike for the perfect spot! We decided to keep Porter up to watch him watch the fireworks.

We payed for it the next day, though we weren't alone. I think all the kids at church that day had a breakdown or two. One of the best parts of a long fun weekend is the rest we get afterward. I think I've just now recovered.


Teandra said...

That picture is like father like son. P has daddy's mouth, that's for sure!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun fourth! Wish I were there.