Sunday, June 14, 2009


Our ward had a R.S. retreat this weekend. We went to Park City and stayed the night in our President's family's cabin. It was so fun! We (the presidency) got there early to get dinner ready, and after everyone ate we played charades, Truth or Dare, and ended up watching Mamma Mia until the late hours of the morning. About 18 people showed up!
While planning the retreat, our activities were themed around self reliance. We joked about making t-shirts to advertise our cause. Well, the joke became reality, and I undertook the project. After a lot of homework and deliberation, we decided on the phrases we all wanted, and they turned out so cute! We talked Fridaybriefly about the "virtuous woman" found in the bible, so that became the "unveiling" day for the shirts. The virtuous woman has silk and purple clothing. That's why the letters are purple. First of all, the shirts were purple, but when the iron-ons say, "for light colored fabric", that's what they mean. After trial and error, they turned out perfect!

On the back of 2 of our shirts we put "self Reliance Rocks!" I think our bishopric wants in on the deal too:)


Rob and Jill said...

Those shirts turned out awesome! You are so clever. What a fun retreat!!!

Unknown said...

I love the picture. Thanks for making the shirts. I think they are so cute.

Simone said...

so this doesn't relate at all but I am coming to town this weekend. Can I visit you Saturday? Which city do you live in? Can I bring Laura along with me? Pretty please!