Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The blessings of family

Baby Abigail
We went up to Evans sister's house for the blessing of their new girl, Abby. Porter has such a fun time playing on their big open floor with their toys, it's rather easy to take him there. Here he is playing with "Mater". He loved it so much, we got one for him. He plays with it non-stop. He'll just push it around, and play with the buttons. Actually, I think he'd be happy with anything this size with wheels. I guess the boy in him really is innate. He loves cars and all their noises.
Porter with Mater
He also has begun surprising us by his incredible strength. Evan went to set him down the other day, and instead of sitting, he just stood there- all by himself- for about 5 seconds, before slowly and gracefully planting himself on his bottom. I'm not quite sure how I feel about this. Excited that he's strong enough and able to walk, but not ready for the new adventures in following him around. I guess just like potty-training, we're all on our own schedule, and eventually we all get it somehow. I sure do love playing with this little man. We can rough and tumble now and he giggles so much!
One of the best parts? He now sleeps 13 hours at night! Yeah! I'm a happy woman! Why this sudden change? A neighbor of mine shared her secret- black out curtains. I bought them the next day, velcro'd them to the walls and each other so NO light escapes, and voila! He'll get up around 6:30, play for a bit, then go back to sleep until 9. (Well actually, we're not sure when he gets up, cause every morning we go in there, he's playing peacefully by himself.) He still naps 4 hrs. a day and I can't complain even when he doesn't. I love him better, I think when we all get a good night's sleep. (I'd take a picture, but you wouldn't see anything!)
He's been a man's man since day one. He has this affinity for men- don't take that the wrong way-. Everytime dad leaves for work, he cries and cries, and when that door opens, nothing will stop him from booking it to the door. My friend was watching him today, and he cried when HER husband left for work, and P doesn't even know him! So weird. It gets me off the hook a lot, though.
We went on a hike to Big Mountain with Evan's brother and sister and their families a week ago. Here's some pics of Porter's cushy ride. He did so well for the 4 1/2 miles. What a trooper. All you need is a little snack, and all is well.
P's good humor
Our Family


David said...

Toni! Your kid is getting big! I know what you mean about the black out curtains. That is what saved our sanity, too.

Rob and Jill said...

Yeah, I'm so glad you got him a Mater! He is so cute with it. Though now it won't be such a novelty when he comes to our house. Mater has been a favorite at our house since we got it.
Little P is so cute- I love the hat. Hooray for sleep. Isn't the world a better place when you get enough sleep!

Lynette said...

Great Pictures!

~Sherry (Bear) and Stephen (Wolf) said...

Such a cutie! That is so sweet that he cries when Daddy leaves for work, and hurries to the door when he comes home.