Sunday, March 27, 2011


My mom read somewhere when her kids were little that if you measure your child's height on their 2 1/2 yr birthday, and double it, it gives you the most accurate prediction of how tall they'll be. My mom did this with my brother and me, and we were both dead on. We thought we'd try it, so Porter complied, and we measured him at 37 1/2 in. which doubled is 75 in. which translates to: 6' 3".
I'll get back to you in 20 or so years...


Jill Hunt said...

If that is true, Hannah will be over 5'8". Yikes! She is tall for her age and people are always surprised when they find out she is only 2. I was tall while younger but now I am only 5'6". So we will see. Interesting. Wish I had done that with my boys but I guess I can check their medical records to see where they were around age 3.

Teandra said...

who-ee that's one tall boy!

Amy said...

I've heard this too--and it worked right with Dustin. I've heard it's only for boys though--but you're obviously not a boy :)