Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Pines

Since the baby will be here next month, and last summer was spent indoors while Evan worked on his Dissertation, We are trying to make up for lost time. Porter is at the perfect age where we can do fun things as a family without having to be by his side every second. We love it! This weekend we went up to "The Pines," Evan's family's property in the Uintas. The plan is to someday have a cabin there, and so far it's a "bunkhouse" and a bath house. We love it up there! We haven't been up since January, and this might be the last time-at least for me-this summer.
We took a few little walks and Porter love being outside. Since the run-off has been plentiful this spring, we saw much more water than ever before. So... there weren't a lot of places around the lake I wanted us to walk. We walked the road above the dam for the Meeks Cabin reservoir and enjoyed the marmots and other wildlife we could find.


Rob and Jill said...

Cute, cute pics! I want to get up to the Pines so bad. Enjoy your last month before the baby comes.

Lynette said...

Looks like fun! We hope to get up there this week sometime.

~Sherry (Bear) and Stephen (Wolf) said...

Oh, so fun! I want to go up there! The boys are getting big enough they would actually be able to help out doing stuff now. ☺