Monday, September 21, 2009
Happy 1st Birthday P! and reasons not to make a big birthday cake
Riding the Metro. It seems that's all we did!
P did so well on the plane rides. We went out to dinner every night, and that was really tiresome to him. He only made it through the apetizers before cranking out his bedtime charm. We took turns alking with him outside, and standing up with him. To our surprise, he had no problem falling asleep in the umbrella stroller (which we chanced to bring-ignoring this little detail). I had decided that vacation was vacation, and though I'd kick myself everyday for doing it, naptime and all routine fell to the wayside. I didn't want to spend my humid summer in D.C. cooped up in a hotel room, waiting for naps to end before meeting up with friends to see the sights. P took it well, and even slept decent enough for us. He charmed everyone we met. It's fun to go to Metropolitan cities like that and realized what a novelty babies are. People stared at him ALL THE TIME! It was quite sad to think of what many people miss out on in life. Families are just too important to me. I love them. P with Kristal
Our week was over way too soon, and back we were to work, study, unpacking, and cleaning. Then on to trip #3...
Saturday, September 5, 2009
I can’t believe a year has past since I felt you squirming in my belly. That night before you were born you were restless, rolling and rolling, and it seemed scratching, just itching to get out. It was the next day I got to hold you in my arms and look at your sweet face for the first time. I had only seen that face once before, in a dream. It was an older face, but yours just the same. I couldn’t believe I was holding my boy. My BOY! I wanted you to be a boy SO BADLY, and you made me so happy. You wanted to come into this world so much - even early- and you’ve enjoyed it ever since.
Tomorrow we’ll sing to you, watch you rip into a cake, and have you open your presents. But your birthday is not about those things to me. For me this is about your rite of passage, a landmark of days that will never be back again. I realize that my baby boy is no longer my baby. I feel I have to give up part of me as I watch you tomorrow. I will be happy and love it all, but I will also mourn the last day I have you as mine. It seems I now have to give you up to the world. To toddlerhood. As you explore you get further away from me, and from needing me for everything. I thought I wouldn’t miss it, but I will. I do. Happy Birthday sweet boy!